Partner with Dvarly

There are two primary ways to integrate your Torah content with Dvarly. Both are great options for partners of all sizes. You can pick one or both, depending on your interests.

1. Search results on

In order to have your dvar Torahs appear in the search results, please reach out to This form of integration might require little to no work on your part, though it can vary depending on your copyright licenses and the structure of your website.

Although we currently only support dvar Torahs on the parsha, we hope to expand to other topics (e.g. holidays) soon.

2. Dvarly buttons on your website New

You can add the Dvarly upvote buttons directly on your website so that your readers can contribute upvotes without leaving your site. If you're interested, please reach out to (the snippet below will not work on your website until you contact us).

Optionally, you can customize the buttons to match your website by specifying a color.

On each webpage to which you'd like to add the buttons, paste this HTML snippet:

<div id='dvarly-buttons' data-color='#007bff'></div> <script> (function() { let doc = document; let css = doc.createElement('link'); css.href = ''; css.type = 'text/css'; css.rel = 'stylesheet'; = 'screen,print'; (doc.head || doc.body).appendChild(css); let js = doc.createElement('script'); js.src = ''; (doc.head || doc.body).appendChild(js); })(); </script>
<div id='dvarly-buttons' data-color='#007bff'></div> <script> (function() { let doc = document; let css = doc.createElement('link'); css.href = ''; css.type = 'text/css'; css.rel = 'stylesheet'; = 'screen,print'; (doc.head || doc.body).appendChild(css); let js = doc.createElement('script'); js.src = ''; (doc.head || doc.body).appendChild(js); })(); </script>

Here's what the buttons look like:

Why partner?

We believe that collaborating helps partners like you, readers, and Dvarly. Here are some benefits for partners: